A Guide to Senior Helpers’ Franchise Disclosure Document (2024)

A Guide to Senior Helpers’ Franchise Disclosure Document (2024)

May 15, 2024 By Rob Cantrell

Senior Helpers® published the most recent edition of our Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) on March 20, 2024. If you’re considering buying a franchise, the FDD is an essential document and a critical part of your purchase decision.

In the Senior Helpers FDD for 2024, you’ll find information about franchise revenues, investment costs, and ongoing fees, contact information for existing and past franchise owners, and details on the corporate history of SH Franchising, LLC.

You’ll also find a copy of our current franchise agreement, providing everything you need to know about the rules, stipulations, and obligations that come with a Senior Helpers in-home care franchise.

To receive a copy of the Franchise Disclosure Document, you can contact our franchise development team. We’ll provide a digital copy of the FDD after you complete the first webinar as part of our approval process.

Looking for key takeaways from our most recent FDD or information about what the document includes?

Below, you’ll find highlights from the Senior Helpers Franchise Disclosure Document for 2024.

We’ve also included tips on where to find additional info within the FDD and how to get the most out of this document.

Highlights from the Senior Helpers Franchise Disclosure Document

The most recent edition of our Franchise Disclosure Document contains a trove of information about the Senior Helpers franchise opportunity. All of the information contained in this document has been updated for 2024, based on franchise data from the previous year.

Below are some key highlights from the document, including updated info on our average franchise revenues, the costs of a Senior Helpers franchise, and the growth of our franchise network.

Franchise Revenues

In Item 19 of the FDD, you’ll find up-to-date details on franchise earnings for 2023. These figures are based on annual gross revenue figures between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.

This section includes average revenues, based on how long franchises have been in operation. Our largest segment includes franchises operating for 60+ months by the end of 2023.

On average, franchises open for 60+ months earned $1,494,426 in gross annual revenue. The highest earning franchise in this segment generated $10,833,902 in revenue.

You can explore average revenues for other segments in Item 19. This section also includes the total number of franchises in each segment, as well as the range of revenues and the median revenue.

Initial Investment

You can find detailed information on the upfront costs associated with a Senior Helpers franchise in Item 5 and Item 7 of the FDD.

If you purchase a Senior Helpers franchise in 2024, you can expect an initial investment of $127,800 to $171,800 per territory. This makes Senior Helpers one of the most affordable senior services franchise opportunities.

In Item 7 of the FDD, you’ll find a detailed breakdown of how these costs are calculated and what they cover. Item 7 also includes similar estimates and breakdowns for resale franchises.

Ongoing Fees

In Item 6 of the FDD, you’ll find information about ongoing fees and approved vendors.

For 2024, our franchise royalty fee remains at 5% of gross sales. This is one of the lowest royalty fees for senior care franchises. Other ongoing fees include a marketing fee and licensing costs for Senior Helpers programs. As with our royalty fee, these costs are among the lowest in our industry.

Item 6 provides a detailed breakdown of all ongoing fees and includes what we provide in exchange for these fees. You will also find information about how we calculate minimum fees based on target revenues for franchises.

Network Growth

In Item 20 of the FDD, you’ll find information about the size of the Senior Helpers network and the number of Senior Helpers outlets in operation.

As of December 31, 2023, our network contained 337 total outlets, including 332 franchised outlets and 5 company-owned outlets. This represents a growth of 33 total outlets since the start of 2021.

Additional Information

Our most recent FDD contains a wealth of information for prospective franchise owners. Below is a brief and non-comprehensive list of some other important items that you’ll find inside this document:

  • Information for all active and non-active franchise owners
  • Details on franchise territory rights and obligations
  • Corporate history and financial statements for SH Franchising LLC
  • Financial and legal obligations for franchisees
  • A copy of the Senior Helpers franchise agreement

For more information about the contents of the document, simply contact our franchise development team.

How to Use the Information in the Franchise Disclosure Document

Reading a Franchise Disclosure Document can feel overwhelming — especially if it’s your first time reading this kind of document.

As imposing as an FDD can be, it’s well worth investing the time to understand its contents.

Here are a few tips on how to make the most of this document.

Identify What You Need to Know

Before you start reading the FDD, write down a list of everything you want to know about the franchise and any questions you have about the opportunity. 

As you go through the document, take detailed notes in response to each item on your list. If new questions occur to you as you’re reading the FDD, write these down separately.

Once you’ve finished reading the document, review your notes to make sure you’ve found the answers you need.

Research the Opportunity

Several items in the FDD will help you decide if Senior Helpers is the right franchise opportunity for your goals, work preferences, and personal circumstances.

Important sections for researching the franchise opportunity include:

  • Items 5, 6, and 7, which cover the costs of a Senior Helpers franchise
  • Items 8, 9, 10, 15, and 16 which cover obligations and restrictions placed on franchise owners
  • Item 10, which includes information about franchise financing
  • Item 11, which details assistance and training for franchisees
  • Item 12, which explains how franchise territories work
  • Item 17, which includes information on dispute resolution
  • Item 19, which details financial performance of existing Senior Helpers franchises
  • Items 22 and 23, which include the contracts and receipts required for new franchise owners

You can find additional information on these items in our guide to understanding Franchise Disclosure Documents.

In addition to the above items, you will want to spend time reviewing the Franchise Agreement, which is included as Exhibit A.

Evaluate the Franchisor

In addition to researching the franchise opportunity itself, the FDD gives you the chance to evaluate the franchisor.

Important sections for considering the stability, history, and financial health of the franchisor include:

  • Item 1, which provides essential information about the franchisor as a corporate entity
  • Item 2, which covers the franchisor’s corporate history
  • Item 3, which details the franchisor’s litigation history
  • Item 4, which includes existing or historical bankruptcy data
  • Items 13 and 14, which cover the franchisor’s trademarks and proprietary information
  • Item 18, which explains if the franchisor uses public figures in its advertising
  • Item 20, which includes detailed information on existing franchise units
  • Item 21, which includes financial statements from the franchisor

You can learn more about each of these items in our guide to understanding Franchise Disclosure Documents.

Review the Document in Detail

Review the entire document from start to finish at least once. Afterwards, go back and review key details, as well as any confusing sections. Ideally, you should go over this information as often as needed to help you understand the information.

This process will take time. But by the end of it, you’ll be an expert on the franchise opportunity.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

Once you’ve finished reading the document, go over your initial list of questions, as well as any new questions you’ve added. If any items remain unanswered, we encourage you to contact our team of franchise development specialists.

Buying a franchise is a complicated process. At the end of the day, we want each franchise owner to make the right decision for their unique goals and circumstances. If you have outstanding questions, we are more than happy to help you find the answers you need.

Request a Copy of the Senior Helpers Franchise Disclosure Document

Want to receive a copy of the Senior Helpers Franchise Disclosure Document for 2024? Simply contact us to let us know you’re interested in buying a franchise! After an initial conversation and an introductory webinar, we’ll provide you with a free digital copy of our FDD.

Contact Senior Helpers today to learn more about our franchise opportunities and request a copy of our Franchise Disclosure Document for 2024.